Marked Tarot Majors


A marked set of tarot major arcana, printed on bridge sized cards. A choice of 3 different tarot decks are available with either a reader or discreet marked back. Be sure to also take a look at our tarot cloth that doubles as a crib for the markings!

SKU: btarotcards


Introducing a set of marked tarot major arcana, printed on bridge-sized cards for convenient portabilit.

Choose from three classic deck options
The Rider-Waite Tarot: Illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith under the direction of Arthur Edward Waite. First published in 1909, it has become one of the most popular and well-known tarot decks.
The 1895 Besançon Tarot: A rare historic French deck housed in the Yale University Library. The evocative hand-colored etchings provide a window into 19th century European tarot.
The Abner Doubleday Tarot: Showcasing the Major Arcana imagery hand-drawn by the American Civil War general himself. Though he was once falsely credited with inventing baseball, Doubleday had a lifelong interest in the occult and created a hand written and hand illustrated manuscript penned between 1870-1885 on topics like Tarot, Jewish mysticism, and the occult, from which this deck is taken.

Marking Systems
Designed for optimal readability across tables in low-light settings, the reader markings excel in real-world scenarios. While not optimized for online scrutiny, they are suitable for practical, real-world use. For a more discreet marking system, simply select “discreet” from the dropdown menu during your order.

Optional Leather Case
Wrapped in printed paper reminiscent of historical examples rather than conventional (modern) boxes, these cards are also available with a calfskin leather case, expertly handstitched with linen thread for a touch of timeless elegance.

Premium Quality
The cards are printed in the UK by Ivory Graphics on Sure Slip Air 310gsm playing card stock, ensuring a smooth shuffle and durable quality.